An organization for robotics students, by robotics students.
Founded by passionate robotics students from all across California, the California Association for STEM Advocacy is an organization for building leaders in advocacy and the future of technology through advocacy. Our goal is for every student in California to have the opportunity to engage not only with the technical aspects of robotics, but also build professional skills, such as the ability to advocate for themselves and fellow students. As FIRST puts it, “We don’t use students to build robots- we use robots to build students.” Some of the many skills learned in robotics are leadership, collaboration, and perseverance. Robotics sure is important!

Rodger Dohm
For over 27 years, Dohm has been an educator at Poway High School, and currently serves as the Head Coach of the award-winning robotics team FRC Team Spyder 1622 for over 20 years. Dohm strives to develop student leaders by directing local and global outreach advocacy in STEM and robotics within the community. He has actively participated in SASA since 2021, and since 2018 advocates for STEM globally with his students in Benin, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Paraguay, Switzerland, and Singapore.

Cayden Pocrass
Pocrass has been deeply involved in the FIRST community since they started FTC 12675 Hermit Social Club in 2014, a team that they now mentor. In addition to SASA, they have participated in good government advocacy as a government affairs intern at the Partnership for Public Service. Pocrass is passionate about expanding access to STEM education, having seen firsthand the impact of these transformative programs throughout their lifelong home state of California.

Cameron Nguyen (President)
Cameron is the current president of CASA and team lead for FRC 649 MSET Fish from Saratoga, CA. He was previously the outreach lead for his team, and was a Dean's List Finalist for the 22-23 Powerplay season. Outside of robotics, he is the drum major of Saratoga High's award-winning band, an avid speech-and-debater, and has a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo.

Alec Rostamian (Secretary)
Alec is a member of FRC 1138 Eagle Engineering from West Hills, CA, for which he's served as an Impact Presenter, PR & Marketing Director, VP of Business Affairs, and Vice President. Outside of his school and robotics team, he also runs Robotics For The Spectrum, a non-profit that partners with robotics teams to help them run robotics programs at nearby spectrum-friendly centers.

Manlin Zhang (Vice President)
Originally from Manchester, U.K., Manlin is a member of FTC 6165 MSET Cuttlefish from Saratoga, CA. Aside from robotics, she also co-presidentiates the local library's teen advisory board, serves as a violin section leader in a school orchestra, and enjoys participating in the school's community gardening club.
Hallea Pocrass (Treasurer)
Hallea is a member of FTC 12675 Hermit Social Club who enjoys participating in Model United Nations, Science Bowl, and currently serves as the Treasurer for CASA.
Students in CASA are leaders, advocators, and the future of STEM.

FRC 649 MSET Fish
FRC 1138 Eagle Engineering
FRC 1622 Spyder
FRC 1671 Buchanan Bird Brains
FRC 2584 Flame of the West
FTC 6165 MSET Cuttlefish
FTC 12675 Hermit Social Club
FTC 13356 RoboForce
FTC 14473 Future
FTC 16026 Alphabots
FTC 20163 Metal Maniacs